Tuesday, October 26, 2010

R.I.P.: Paul the Octopus

Paul: The Myth, The Octopus, The Legend (2007-2010)

Today is a sad day for soccer fans all across the globe. Paul, the Oracle Octopus passed away this morning in Frankfurt, Germany, at the age of 2 1/2 years. Paul was the most intriguing subplot of the 2010 World Cup. He went 8 for 8 in his picks, which consisted of all 7 of Germany's games, and Spain over the Netherlands in the championship. He gained such an enormous amount of fame over this summer that he was sought after by Aquariums all over Europe, and the Madrid Zoo wanted to bring him in so all of Spain's fans could thank him. He was an Octopus who's legacy at times overshadowed the game itself. Paul will be given a small burial plot and shrine within the grounds of the Oberhausen Aquarium.

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